Showing 1-14 of 14
SKU: 190-1637
This product is a replacement hydraulic valve lift lower cartridge that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-7029
This product is a replacement hydraulic valve angle cartridge that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-7048
This product is a replacement hydraulic valve, flow control cartridge that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-7047
This product is a replacement hydraulic valve that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-7027
This product is a replacement hydraulic crossover relief valve (4000 PSI) that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-1639
This product is a replacement relief valve (2800 PSI) that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-3096
This product is a replacement Relief valve (3500 PSI) that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-1640
This product is a replacement check valve that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 256-0555
Round Coil with 2 Spade Terminals. Accepts 1/2" valves, 1-1/4" overall diameter x 1-7/16" long.
SKU: 256-0557
Square Coil with 2 Spade Terminals. Accepts 1/2" valves, 1-1/4" overall diameter x 1-7/16" long.
SKU: 190-7030
This product is a replacement hydraulic valve coil that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-1647
This product is a replacement ground strap for hydraulic valve that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-7032
This product is a replacement ground strap for dual hydraulic valve that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
SKU: 190-1620
This product is a replacement 90 degree hydraulic swivel fitting that is designed for use with the Boss line of snow plows.
Hydraulic Valve Assemblies changed over the years but parts are still available and many of the parts that are used on the older valve assembly for the RT2 are the same for the RT3 Smart Hitch and Smart Hitch 2. Parts that we carry include hydraulic valves for the angle, lift and lower cartridge, relief valves rated at 2800 psi, 3500 psi and 4000 psi., hydraulic valve coils and ground straps for with the hydraulic valves HYD01637 and the dual hydraulic valve HYD07029. If you need to fix your hydraulic valve assembly we have you covered.
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